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UELLogoJuly2019         HCPC Master            UKCP logoJuly2019

This is a UEL validated course

Duration: Two years one day a week (Monday) then a third year once a month

When: September 2025


Philosophy, Aims and Objectives

Students will explore the fundamental interconnection between the artistic process and psychotherapy, in terms of their mutual concern with in-depth communication of emotional experience, and with transformation and change. Whilst the artistic process will draw on seven art forms, the emphasis will be on visual art. The course focuses on the three-way process of psychotherapist, client and art object. Students therefore will be schooled in facilitating the richest possible relational and imaginal discourse between therapist and client. The course also aims to provide students with a thorough grounding in various theoretical models and schools of thought relating to the therapeutic relationship: the central issues of being with an other; the dialogic encounter; the meeting of two subjective worlds and the study of transference and countertransference. Successful completion of the MA in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy leads to the award of an MA in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy by University of East London.

The Artistic Process - Full Engagement with the Art Image

The course supports the notion of the client’s full and direct engagement with the art image; that is, 'to become present in and with the art image, rather than acting simply as a notemaker or observer of the arts' (Ross, 1992). This is considered far more effective than simply 'talking about' the mental image or art image, which often results in the client reaching only a tepid or dulled awareness of their 'formed feeling'.

Theoretical Foundations

The course is Integrative in its theoretical approach, focusing in particular on the work of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Eric Berne, Fritz Perls, John Bowlby (Attachment theory), Daniel Stern, James and Hillman, Heinz Kohut, Allan Schore, Jaak Panksepp.


Module 1: The Fundamentals in The Theory and Practice of Integrative Arts Psychotherapy/Professional Practice Placement 1
Module 2: Advanced Skills in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy/Professional Practice Placement 2
Module 3: Practitioner Research Methods and Dissertation/Professional Practice Placement 3
Module 4: Practicum: Readiness to Practice

Admissions Criteria

In addition to the entry requirements for the Postgraduate Certificate in the Therapeutic Arts / Advanced Diploma in the Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts, candidates must normally have the following:

  • A Bachelor's degree from a British university or its equivalent, a qualification in a helping profession or in education, or a minimum of five years’ professional experience in therapy or a related field with the proven academic ability to work at Masters level standard
  • Diploma in the Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts from The Institute, or an equivalent qualification from an alternative recognised psychotherapy training college (no exceptions)
  • The completion of at least one year's in-depth personal psychotherapy

    Be able to demonstrate the following capacities and abilities:

    A sound grasp of fundamental therapy skills and fundamental psychotherapy theory
  • The ability to work with competence, empathic attunement and depth with a full range of affect states
  • Emotional robustness and the ability to support themselves when working with a client’s negative transference.
  • This means that the candidate would not become defensive in the face of criticism, and would be able to maintain an reflective thinking stance in stressful situations

    Students moving on to any of the Advanced Clinical Trainings from the Level 1 Post Graduate Certificate/Advanced Diploma, must complete a short course in counselling unless they have previous experience of at least 30 hours counselling skills training.


Year One Exit Award (after one year): Post-Graduate Certificate in Counselling Using the Arts (University of East London award)

Duration: One year Monday attendance for three terms.

This year builds on the theory and practice of the Post-Graduate Certificate in the Therapeutic Arts where key frameworks and concepts from Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Self Psychology and Neurobiology have been covered. Students will also have had experience of supervised practise of therapeutic skills, using seven art forms, in order to help them to understand the three-way communication between therapist, client and art image. This year will then enable students to learn the fundamentals needed to practice safely with clients, learning an appropriate therapeutic frame, developing self awareness and developing their clinical skills on a six month supervised professional practice placement with clients in a community setting. If a student chooses to leave at this point, on successful completion of all assessments, an award of Post-Graduate Certificate in Counselling Using the Arts will be granted. The Post-Graduate Certificate is not a professional qualification in art therapy.

However, students can choose to undertake a further term, during which two training days must be paid for and attended at college, while they work to accrue clinical hours (100 hours). After this, students can be assessed for the award of Professional Certificate in Counselling Using the Arts (an assessment fee will be paid for this).  After this award is granted, they are eligible to apply to go on the BACP public register.

Year Two Exit Award (after two years): Post-Graduate Diploma in Counselling Using the Arts (University of East London award)

Duration: One year Monday attendance  for three terms.

This course follows on from the Postgraduate Certificate, should students choose to return to further their studies - after at least a 12 month break. In this year, students will learn more advanced skills, using theory and research to inform their understanding of work in different clinical contexts. They will also complete a 12 month professional practice placement.  The Postgraduate Diploma is not a professional qualification in art therapy, but will allows students to practise as a counsellor using the Arts and as with the Post-Graduate Certificate in Counselling Using the Arts Exit Award, once they have completed 100 hours of clinical practice and have submitted their log (an assessment fee will be paid for this), they could apply for BACP registration.

Year Three Exit Award (after three years): MA Integrative Arts Psychotherapy (University of East London award)

Duration: Monday attendance (about once a month only).

This year is designed to support the student to complete all their final assignments for the Masters Degree award and to attend the research model including arts based research, narratives in psychotherapy texts and case studies. There is also further study of effective treatment for PSTD, depression, anxiety and other key diagnoses as well as working to deepen ones own integration of theory and practice.

Changes to the curriculum, teaching staff, assignments on our courses
IATE reserves the right to make adjustments to the above due to unforeseen circumstances. 
The quality of the training will not in any way be compromised in doing so.


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