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Sensory Enhanced Learning and Attachment Play - For 5 to 12 year olds

£ 16.99



''Pre-Order Now" (Available in August)

This film is designed to empower and inspire child professionals, teachers and parents to engage five to twelve-year-olds in adult-child attachment play for quality one-to-one time. Attachment play is proven to enhance confidence, social skills, ability to trust and actual brain development. The film also addresses how learning, at any age, is optimised in a sensory-rich context. This challenges the usual practice in schools to markedly reduce learning through play and sensory media after the early years foundation stage. This ‘opinion based policy’ flies in the face of scientific evidence showing that sensory-rich context impacts positively on the higher thinking brain and improves learning at any age.

Using the latest brain science research and illustrated throughout with delightful footage of adult- child attachment play and sensory enhanced learning, this film has been specifically designed to empower teachers, child professionals and parents with a wealth of practical ideas, tools and techniques to support a child’s social, emotional, imaginative and cognitive development.


1. The Importance of Attachment Play for 5 to 12 year olds: Brain Science, Psychology and Benefits for Learning and Life

2. Attachment Play: Games (General)

3. Attachment Play: Music and Rhythm Games

4. Attachment Play: Imagination Games

5. The Importance of Physical Attachment Play for 5 to 12 Year Olds: Brain Science, Psychology and Benefits for Learning and Life

6. Physical Attachment Play Games

7. The importance of Sensory Enhanced Learning for 5 to 12 Year Olds: Brain Science, Psychology and Benefits for Learning and Life

8. Sensory Games, Sensory Breaks, and Sensory-Rich Classrooms.

9. Creativity and Sensory Enhanced Learning