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Helping Children Talk About Their Lives Cards


A vital resource for supporting children through meaningful conversations

Why professionals working with vulnerable children need these cards. This resource comprises 48 cards with expressive, thought-provoking artworks that convey the most common concerns, worries, painful and positive mental states, experienced by children. Whilst everyday words rarely do justice to what they are feeling, children will immediately relate to the cards and be able to use them as their voice to ensure they feel truly listened to and understood. Without help to talk about painful life events, children are left simply reacting, with all manner of fall out in terms of behaviours that challenge, physical complaints and body disturbances, anxiety issues, depression, problems with eating and sleeping. It doesn't have to be this way.

With the cards, children can stand back and reflect instead of react. They can share with their emotionally available adult, what needs to be talked about, witnessed, grieved, protested about, as well as what needs to be delighted in, laughed about, and savoured. Research shows that this act of collaborative sense making, affect labelling and mentalisation is highly preventative of long term mental and physical health issues.

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